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Topic 3: Nucleic Acids
Monday, June 8, 2015
Topic 3: Nucleic Acids Powerpoint
Topic 3: Nucleic Acids Powerpoint
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Scientists Find Surprising Age-Related Protein Waves In Blood
The Scientist Who First Showed Us The Double Helix
Scientists Say They’ve Found a Code Beyond Genetics in DNA
What happens when genes go wrong?
Researchers finally grasp the work week of enzymes
Nucleic Acids Vocabulary
2.7 DNA replication, transcription and translation
7.1 DNA Structure & Replication
1.6 Cell division
7.2 Transcription and gene
7.3 Translation
2.5 Enzymes
8.1 Metabolism
Khan Academy
1. DNA
2. DNA Replication
3. Lead and lagging strand
4. Telomeres
5. Cell Cycle Control
6. Oncogenes
7. Methylation
8. Protein Synthesis
9. Enzymes